Before you process your first pay of 2014, please remember to carry out the End of Year Rollover which includes:
PayMaker users can follow the steps below:
For PayMaker customers: Please email us at or call us on 330 4554 to schedule your End of Year Service and Upgrade.
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- Repairing and backing up your payroll data for 2013
- Clearing your Year to Date totals for 2013
- Clearing leave totals as appropriate
PayMaker users can follow the steps below:
- Process your last pay for 2013
- Repair your data files in case data files have been electronically corrupted in any way (Leaving your data in an unstable state can lead to data loss)
- Create a backup copy of your payroll data files. Make a separate copy that contains 2013 data.
- Clear Year-To-Date totals for calendar year (and financial year if appropriate)
- Clear Leave Totals as appropriate
For PayMaker customers: Please email us at or call us on 330 4554 to schedule your End of Year Service and Upgrade.
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Get the latest information on payroll changes that affect Fiji employers and employees on our Facebook page. Simply visit our Facebook page and LIKE it to get regular updates on your Facebook newsfeeds.
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Contact us now:
Ph: +(679) 330 4554 Fax: +(679) 330 4864